Our Mission:


We empower young ladies and women to become courageous, faithful and strong individuals in society.


What we do

We encourage young ladies and women to be the best they can be, to respect themselves and others, to always love themselves first, and never settle for less in any area of their lives.


Our Mission

We empower young ladies and women in the community to be courageous in who they are, faithful in their pursuit of happiness and strong leaders in the opportunities life presents them.

Our Motto

“God designed me perfect in His plan and there’s nothing or no one that can stop me from my purpose in which God magnificently designed specifically for me.”

Our Core Values


We have the courage to face any challenge that life brings. Courage to be who God designed us to be. Courage against peer pressure. Courage to face our present and our future.


We have faith in God and ALWAYS put God first. Faith to stand even when it seems that we will fall. Faith to know that with God, all things are possible.


We have the strength to move forward when we want to give up. Strength to not allow others to tear us down. Strength to stare the challenge in the face and say “You Will Not Win because God designed me strong!”


Our Scripture:

“She is clothed with strength and dignity and she laughs without fear of the future.”

~ Proverbs 31:25


Our Safe Space

Our mental health is important now more than ever. We are an organization who understands the importance of having a safe space to talk, listen and feel heard. Whether on our social media platforms, meet-ups, in person annual events, or virtual events, we want you to feel comfortable in an inspiring environment. Keep reading below to learn how to join us as we continue to encourage you to be empowered. Let’s heal together in our safe space.

Designed With A Purpose Group

We offer daily empowerment in our Designed With A Purpose Facebook group. Our membership continues to grow every day. This is our safe space where we spread encoragement, inspiration and positivity. We have a few simple rules that we ask all to follow to ensure everyone in the group is respected. Click the button below to become a member of the DWAP group and let’s help uplift each other.


Purposeful Talks with Powerful Women

Designed With A Purpose presents our virtual livestream series, “Purposeful Talks With Powerful Women”. There are some amazing and powerful women in our community and we look forward to future conversations with you around different topics that affect us as women, and how we can come together to support one another on our journey of sisterhood. If you are interested in being a guest on our livestream series, click the button below to email us and let us know the topic you would like to discuss.


Meet-ups are an opportunity for us to meet with like-minded women in the community to network and bond in sisterhood over food, drinks and great company. We pick the location and let you know where to meet us. These are pay on your own events, and we communicate the menu in advance to accomodate everyone’s budget. Click the button below to sign up for updates for our next meet-up!

Annual Event

Each year since 2018 we host a women’s empowerment event every 3rd Saturday in October. The goal of the event is to celebrate and encourage women from all walks of life. We bring a different topic each year with speakers and/or a panel, as well as games, prizes and vendors. If you are interested in sponsoring, being a speaker, panel member, or vendor at our next event, please click the button below to learn more.

DWAP Awards

The DWAP Awards are an opportunity for Designed With A Purpose to spotlight young ladies and women who are contributing their time and bringing empowerment, inspiration and upliftment to our communities. We honor these women at our Annual Event with an award of recognition in different inspiring categories. Click the button below to learn more.


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Contact Us

You can reach us by selecting the contact us button, email or phone. Messages will be returned within 48 business hours. We appreciate your patience as we respond to every inquiry.


We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.


Community Outreach

We give back to the community as our way of encouraging and inspiring others. Everyone needs a helping hand every now and then, and we choose to volunteer our time throughout the year to different organizations who focus on the well being of children and women. If you would like to volunteer your time with us, please click the button below to sign up.


Volunteer opportunities

These are a few examples of community involvement we participate in:

●       Diaper bank

●       Back to school drives

●       Meals on wheels

●       Blanket drives

●       Homeless shelter

Read our Privacy Policy



The community is the support and cornerstone of DWAPcfs. Community cash donations and sponsorships help plan activities and events that support our initiatives.